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Elementary Events

Elementary Events

Chromebook for Home Use

During the 2022-2023 school year, The Federal Government (FCC) assisted schools with the purchase of technology for home use via the available Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF). In order to apply for the funds, West Muskingum Local School District (WMLSD) performed a needs assessment by surveying parents to identify students in grades 1st through 12 who would benefit from having a device for home learning outside of school hours. Based on the survey data at the time West Muskingum Local Schools was able to secure a device (Chromebook) for all the students identified in the survey.

Since the initial survey was performed the needs of several of our students have changed by either withdrawing from the West Muskingum Local Schools, enrolling at MidEast Career Center, or they now have their own device and no longer need the district-issued device. This has resulted in a limited supply of Chromebooks that have been reclaimed and available to be reassigned to other students in grades 1st through 12 who would benefit from having a device for home learning outside of school hours. 

We also understand that several students have enrolled since the initial survey was performed and did not have an opportunity to respond. It is for that reason we are providing this opportunity now to register your child to receive a device(Chromebook) for home learning outside of school hours.  

Please complete the signup form below.

Sign up for a Chromebook for Home Use Form

Thank you,
Ted Harrison 
Director of Technology